Thank you for your interest in becoming a Living Liver Donor for Mighty Myles. We cannot thank you enough! At this time, UHN has expressed they have received a tremendous amount of applications and ask that you please refer to our FAQ page to find more ways to help.
- Team Mighty Myles

Become a Living Liver Donor.

Becoming a Living Donor is a big decision to make, one that not everyone gets a say in. Unfortunately, some people who decide to be a living donor, may not qualify for live donation for various reasons. Roughly 20-30% of all potential live donors will be able to donate to someone awaiting a transplant. The only way to know if you qualify, is to submit an application to the UHN.

Steps to becoming a Living Donor

Complete Living Donor Health History Form

The Living Donor Health History Form is a 13 page questionnaire that goes into extensive detail about your personal health history. Take your time while filling this out and be sure to contact your doctor if you are unsure how to answer some of the questions.

Submit the form along with your Blood Type

Once you have completed the form, submit it by mail, email or fax to UHN along with a copy of your blood type. You can obtain a copy of your blood type by contacting your doctor or submitting a copy of your blood donor card.

Wait for Living Liver Donor Assessment Office to call

Once your application has been submitted, all that’s left to do is wait. The Living Liver Donor Assessment Office will contact you if you qualify and they are ready to take the next steps with the evaluation process.


Thank you for supporting Mighty Myles & sharing our story. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.