Meet Mighty Myles…

Myles was born on August 25th, 2023 at McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario. At 6 and a half weeks old, his parents Emily and Cody knew Myles was sick. On October 11th, they rushed him into the ER where he was eventually diagnosed with Biliary Atreisa.

His Journey

The Newborn Stage

At 6lbs 13oz, Myles graced the world with his presence. Navigating the Newborn Stage as first time parents is hard enough, but even harder when you don’t know your baby is sick. Myles was born Jaundice, and despite having a total bilirubin of 245 just 3 days after birth, we were sent home. With every Well Baby Visit with our family doctor, it was clear that the Jaundice was not going away and his weight was not going up.

Life After Kasai

It’s scary seeing your 7 week old baby go into surgery, but encouraging to see the strength and resilience that comes after. Myles’ recovery went wonderfully, we spent just over 2 weeks in the hospital following his Kasai and had a few readmissions in the months following his initial discharge. Life went on and Myles grew. Working closely with an Occupational Therapist, we worked on Myles’ skills to ensure proper growth. Because of his disease, his body is constantly working over time and burning up all of the calories he consumes. This causes him to not only struggle with weight gain but tire easily. Nonetheless, his curiosity gets the better of him and he has been able to keep up on his milestones.


After a follow up Doctor’s appointment on October 11th, Emily decided to take Myles into the ER. His lack of weight gain, yellow skin and eyes and questionable stool colour was concerning to everyone. Multiple tests were completed and he received an official diagnosis on October 16th of Biliary Atresia. On October 17th, he received his first surgery, the Kasai Procedure.

Getting listed

In March of 2024, it was decided to transfer all of Myles’ care to The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto. We were admitted in early April for 9 days to do a Transplant Assessment and NG Tube Insertion as Myles continued to struggle with weight gain and his labs were concerning. On May 25th, 2024 we returned to the ER and were admitted back to SickKids with a bad Cold and even more concerning labs. In early June, Myles was officially listed for Transplant and will remain at SickKids until he receives a new liver.

Thank you for your support!

The wait for a liver may be long, but we are so excited for life after transplant…


Myles & his family thank you for your support. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding his story or Living Liver Donation.